It Takes... Three?!?

We thought It Takes Two... But now it seems there's a third on the way! Chronicles of our unexpected and thrilling foray into the world of pregnancy and parenthood.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Picture Time!

I felt the need to edit this one a bit before posting. For one thing, I'm in a bra in this picture, which somehow seemed inappropriate, so I "spray painted" over it to give the illusion of a little more modesty.

Secondly, because the picture quality is low and the background color was at times hard to distinguish from my skin (that's what I get for standing my pale tummy in front of a white door!...although it looks much darker in the picture because of the poor lighting), I outlined my belly and back with a darker "spray paint" to make the lines more clear.

The third thing I did was to put in an arrow labeling where my bellybutton is. Because I'm wearing maternity pants in the picture (and an odd style, at that--they're low hip-hugging pants with a belly panel that covers up well over the navel, so it's an odd combination of lines that I keep well-concealed under long shirts, I assure you!), a glance at the picture may leave you wondering what's where! At least, my first look at it disturbed me, thinking I couldn't tell where my hips, my waist, etc. were under those pants... So the belt is sitting right at my hips, and the arrow points directly to my navel.

So, yes, this picture looks a little strange... Perhaps a bit comical. But it's so you can see the swell of my belly, the curve of my back (my posture is beginning to change to adapt to an altered center of balance), and the general overall changes in shape taking place with my body.

YAY second trimester!! YAY BABY!! :oD


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