Home stretch to the 2nd trimester!
Today, I caught my reflection in a window as I walked past and realized my posture's already beginning to adjust to the baby's presence. My legs are wider apart when I walk, I take slightly smaller steps, and I lean ever-so-slightly back at the waist as I move... It's odd. I hadn't even noticed the changes taking place, and yet, there they are!
I'm counting the days now until I can breathe a little easier, knowing I'm in the second trimester. Granted, there's not really a lot of difference between odds of miscarriage right now, at 11 weeks and 1 day with no signs of trouble, than there will be 6 days from now when I'm labeled "12 weeks"... And it's all an estimate really, anyway, so each individual day is far less important than the week-to-week stuff... But after what happened before, I can't help but be paranoid, and this countdown leads to the first important milestone that can help me feel grounded and comfortable and confident that everything's alright.
Since my new insurance kicks in before my next OB appt, I think I'm going to go ahead and opt to do the ultrasound they normally do at that visit (we weren't going to do it because my current lousy insurance only covers one u/s for the ENTIRE pregnancy, but the new one covers standard care, including more than one ultrasound). That will be another reassuring milestone for me... And I'm sure the pictures from this one will be far more interesting than the 6 week ultrasound. ;o) My next appointment's in 3 weeks... I'll be 14 weeks & 2 days at that point. Still too early to determine gender, but never too early to give me another glimpse of the growing life inside me. :o)
Here's the pics for this week:

My right side

My left side
I'm counting the days now until I can breathe a little easier, knowing I'm in the second trimester. Granted, there's not really a lot of difference between odds of miscarriage right now, at 11 weeks and 1 day with no signs of trouble, than there will be 6 days from now when I'm labeled "12 weeks"... And it's all an estimate really, anyway, so each individual day is far less important than the week-to-week stuff... But after what happened before, I can't help but be paranoid, and this countdown leads to the first important milestone that can help me feel grounded and comfortable and confident that everything's alright.
Since my new insurance kicks in before my next OB appt, I think I'm going to go ahead and opt to do the ultrasound they normally do at that visit (we weren't going to do it because my current lousy insurance only covers one u/s for the ENTIRE pregnancy, but the new one covers standard care, including more than one ultrasound). That will be another reassuring milestone for me... And I'm sure the pictures from this one will be far more interesting than the 6 week ultrasound. ;o) My next appointment's in 3 weeks... I'll be 14 weeks & 2 days at that point. Still too early to determine gender, but never too early to give me another glimpse of the growing life inside me. :o)
Here's the pics for this week:

My right side

My left side
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