It Takes... Three?!?

We thought It Takes Two... But now it seems there's a third on the way! Chronicles of our unexpected and thrilling foray into the world of pregnancy and parenthood.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This Doesn't Taste Right...

One thing I just can't seem to get used to with this whole pregnancy thing is how nothing tastes the way it's supposed to!!

When I found out I was pregnant, I knew I had to stop drinking caffeine. Being a huge soda gal, I naturally switched over to Sprite. Within a week or so, it began tasting salty and rancid. Every time I drank Sprite, whether from a bottle or fountain. That's about the time I started craving fruit juices and drinking lots of water, so I suppose it was nature's way (or Baby's way?) of telling me I could be making better beverage choices.

Then the cravings set in--mustard, hot dogs, onions... Things I never liked much before but that suddenly taste SO good!! ...Assuming, of course, I get them when I want them. Otherwise, they taste even worse than before.

So today I went out and got some lunch. As I was finishing up my meal, I suddenly was hit with this intense craving for chocolate chip cookies. My lunch had left me with a very salty taste in my mouth, and I wanted something sweet to counter it. Well, without cookies available to me, I stopped off at the vending machine downstairs for the next best thing: a candy bar! I settled on a Reese's, because it just sounded DIVINE... Now, one cup in, I'm finding it much less satisfactory than I had hoped. Mostly because, well, it doesn't taste like Reese's. I don't know how else to describe it. It just doesn't taste *right*.

That seems to be how it is with everything these days... It may taste better than it should, it may taste worse... But absolutely NOTHING tastes like it used to. And let me just say, if Coke tasted to you the way it tastes to these pregnant taste buds, you'd never touch the stuff again!

In other news, I *FINALLY* managed to get my referral sent where it needs to be, and I was able to schedule my first OB appt. for early next week. I'll be exactly 11 weeks into my pregnancy the day I walk in for the OB history appt. with the nurse, which is a bit beyond obscene (they wanted me there at 8 weeks!), but at least it's scheduled now and I can breathe a bit easier. I'll probably have to turn around and schedule my OB visit with the dr. for the next week (surely she'll want to have examined me by the end of the first trimester!!), but that's alright. I'm finally going to get IN. And maybe this way, I'll have the new insurance before I get too far into my copay for the delivery charge... Which would be nice!!


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