It Takes... Three?!?

We thought It Takes Two... But now it seems there's a third on the way! Chronicles of our unexpected and thrilling foray into the world of pregnancy and parenthood.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Mom is the GREATEST EVER!

Monday, after I got so sick from my dress being too tight, my mom told me she had bought some maternity-ish clothes on clearance for me, and instead of waiting until I got down there, she was going to ship them to me so I could start wearing them. She said most of them weren't maternity, just loose shirts in sizes bigger than what I've been wearing, so I could wear them as "transitional" shirts until I'm big enough for actual maternity styles. She told me there were 7-10 shirts and a few pairs of actual maternity jeans in different styles.

Well, at 8:30 this morning, an ENORMOUS box was delivered to me at work. Inside were more clothes than I dreamed possible of fitting into a box--even a box this large! I won't be able to pull everything out and really check it all out until I get home this evening (I'd never be able to squeeze it all back into the box by myself!), but from what I can tell, there are TONS of things in there, many of which are pretty cute! A lot of it is pretty standard styles in solids or stripes, but there are multiple sizes in tons of 'em, so I should be set on clothing for a LONG while now! There's everything from juniors' XL to full-blown maternity sizes in there. I think Mom's determined that all I should have to buy for myself as I continue to swell is maternity undergarments. I really think I'm set here!! :o)

So here, in one day, I've gone from only 2 shirts and 2 pairs of (maternity) pants that really were still comfortable to an entire wardrobe that should carry me through the next few months. Everything's cotton and soft, so it should be great regardless of what the weather does. There appear to be a few pairs of maternity jeans as well as some other pants styles...

Let me just say, the great thing about maternity pants is that, as long as your shirt is long enough to cover the elastic waistbands they add to the top of them, most of the time they don't look any different from regular pants. And you can start wearing them pretty early on because the only real difference between them and regular pant fits is where that elastic waistband comes into play, so they're really very versatile in terms of tummy size!

Anyway, I am in a VERY happy place now! TONS of free brand new clothing that will be comfortable and that will last me a while so I don't even have to think about shopping now. Good for my stress levels (I HATE clothing shopping!), GREAT for my bank account, and invaluable for my sleep schedule (since I often go home from work and crawl straight into bed, leaving little time or energy for shopping).

Plus, it's incredibly exciting that my life is already changing because of the baby. Not only is my entire diet different, I'm beginning to look and dress differently, FEEL different... Yes, as we approach the second trimester, life is starting to get pretty pleasant. I just can't wait until we can break the news to Asher's family and friends and until Baby's big enough that the world can see without us having to tell! :oD


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