It Takes... Three?!?

We thought It Takes Two... But now it seems there's a third on the way! Chronicles of our unexpected and thrilling foray into the world of pregnancy and parenthood.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I TOTALLY chickened out!! :o(

I was going to announce publicly on Facebook & MySpace today that I'm now in my second trimester (and oh, by the way, pregnant) so everyone would see... And once I signed in, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead, I posted a cryptic Facebook status that says "Whitney is 1/3 of the way there!" and a MySpace blog about Asher beginning the Bar today and then, at the bottom, added "In other news, I'm now in my second trimester and 1/3 of the way to having a baby!" and left it at that. Very unassuming, all things considered... Most people will miss it, if they even read the blog titled "Asher Takes the Bar!" in the first place. I don't know... I just didn't want to steal his thunder, really, and he hasn't told his family yet, so I felt kinda bad making a huge display of it all...

I asked him last night after we had dinner with his Mom if he was waiting until after the Bar to take it. He gave me a very firm YES. I guess he's got more than enough stress on his plate right now without the added strain of breaking the news to his mom. He's afraid she won't be enthusiastic about it because we're not really financially ready for a child yet, but I don't know... I mean, he obviously knows his mom FAR better than I do, but my mom wasn't thrilled about the timing and is still excited about the baby. Women are like that sometimes... It's hard not to get excited and silly and a little obsessed when there's a baby involved, even if it's not under the best of circumstances. Just look at all the mothers of teenage girls who get pregnant: the mothers are, of course, furious in the beginning, but soon yield to the desire to buy baby things, talk about pregnancy, and generall go all ga-ga over the baby-to-be. So I don't think she'll take it quite as hard as he thinks she will...

But, then again, he knows her better than I do, so we'll just have to wait and see, I guess. :o) This will be her first grandchild, so I think even if she starts out unhappy about it, she'll be won over pretty quickly. Maybe the next ultrasound picture will do the trick. ;o) Frankly, I don't think she'll be surprised to hear the news after seeing me last night, looking fairly prego... Tee-hee!

But yes. I am now officially in my second trimester. I am 1/3 of the way through this whole process, and I'm just starting out in what they call "the golden era of pregnancy".

And my genius husband is busy at this very moment acing the first half of his Bar exam. :oD


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