It Takes... Three?!?

We thought It Takes Two... But now it seems there's a third on the way! Chronicles of our unexpected and thrilling foray into the world of pregnancy and parenthood.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Clean Slate

A coworker is getting married in September, and she emailed this morning asking everyone for their addresses so she can send invitations. I was halfway through typing mine when I realized it could be different as early as, well, tomorrow.

Granted, we'll still be in our current apartment right up until the end of the month... But if she mailed it the middle of next week, for example, it might not arrive before we're gone. Which, really, is terribly exciting. :oD

I'm most excited about the move because it's a clean place, a chance to start anew, to dump all the stuff we don't want/need/use, to organize things in such a way that we're not prone to just throwing things on the floor or letting things pile up because "there's nowhere else to put them," and, most of all, a room for Baby. A bedroom for us, a guest/computer room, and a baby room. The original plan was to keep the cats locked in the room with the computers... But that won't work if it doubles as a guest room. In the very beginning, though, the baby's room can be a guest room, since the baby won't be showing up for several months yet and, even then, will be sleeping in our room for the first few months. Whatever, we'll work something out. Since two of the cats will be relocating to the outside, it won't be a huge deal if the other 3 run loose in the apartment. We'll still lock them out of bedrooms, and it'll be fine. I'm SO excited about having a back yard for the puppies--now I just need to build them a great big dog house that they can share, and I'll feel like a good mommy to them after all this time. :o)

I'm glad we're moving now, as I ease into the second trimester, and not a few weeks ago while I was still ill all the time and lacked any energy whatsoever. I'm starting to feel pretty "normal" again, so my current plan is to load up my car once a day in the evenings after work and move stuff over to the new place, beginning tonight if we can get the key that early, tomorrow night if we have to wait a day on the lease signing. If I can manage to do that and stick to it, there won't be a whole lot we'll need to move this weekend (assuming Asher feels comfortable taking time away from studying, but since the Bar's Tues & Wed, I won't blame him if he'd rather study and rest!), and we can get the bulk of it out in pieces like that without even having to really pack it into boxes or rent a truck or anything... Of course, we'll need a truck for the furniture (beds, armoire, 3 dressers, a couch, piano, etc.), but otherwise, I've moved in carload installations a few times, and it's never been too much trouble. Saves you boxes, lets you see everything as you unload it in the new place so you know where things are when you need them and don't have to dig around, and keeps it in smaller, more manageable chunks rather than a great big overwhelming and exhausting weekend of frantic packing and moving.

If we need help, Mom said she'd come up next weekend (she took off work just in case) and help us paint, finish moving, clean, etc. I think mostly she wants to see the new place, wants to see what size I am, and wants to bring up some more maternity/baby stuff. Which is totally fine by me! ;o)


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