It Takes... Three?!?

We thought It Takes Two... But now it seems there's a third on the way! Chronicles of our unexpected and thrilling foray into the world of pregnancy and parenthood.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Her Royal Pregnance

Last night, Asher informed me that 'pregnance' is the proper term for 'the state of being pregnant'. "It is also," he said, "a title, as in 'Her Royal Pregnance.'" I told him he had just named my "coming out" post for MySpace and Facebook about the pregnancy. ;o)

Today is the last day of my first trimester. Tomorrow's "not a magical date," according to my mom, but it is to me. It's the date I told myself would make this pregnancy real. The date they say dramatically decreases the odds of miscarriage. The date that means you're already 1/3 of the way through! It marks the time when morning sickness is expected to decrease, energy allegedly returns, and you start to feel the best you will during your pregnancy. But, above all, it means my baby's still alive, and he/she is likely to stay that way.

The end of the first trimester is also when many pregnancy books, websites, and online forums suggest breaking the news to friends, family, and coworkers who hadn't already known. Partially because of the decreased risk of miscarriage after this point, but also because there's not much longer that you'll be able to hide the little one's presence! ;o)

So tomorrow morning, I will post on MySpace and on Facebook that, yes, I'm pregnant, and I'm officially in my second trimester. Some of my friends will be angry because I didn't tell them in person before breaking the news online to the public, but I had my reasons for keeping things to myself. Between fear of miscarriage and knowledge that a few of my friends would be less than supportive about the news, I figured it was best to keep it to myself until I knew the pregnancy was viable and was progressing normally. Plus, I don't want anyone trying to ruin this for me. I'm THRILLED about this baby, and it's nobody else's concern whether or not it's a "good time in my life" for it. No one has the right to bring me down from my cloud, darn it! :oD

Mom's already slipped and told my aunt and my grandmother; now she can spread the news to her 3 other siblings and any of her friends she feels like telling. Now I can post pictures of my swelling belly on my MySpace and Facebook profiles and tell everyone how excited I am! Now I can finally breathe a bit easier, knowing that yes, I WILL have a baby--and soon!!


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