It Takes... Three?!?

We thought It Takes Two... But now it seems there's a third on the way! Chronicles of our unexpected and thrilling foray into the world of pregnancy and parenthood.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Motion Sickness

One of the worst side-effects of this pregnancy is the affect it has had on my motion sickness.

I've always gotten mildly queasy in the passenger seat (or, heaven forbid, the back seat) of cars, particularly if I'm the least bit too warm or dehydrated. But now, this morning sickness is such that I get ill even when *I'm* the one driving. If Asher bounces the bed too much getting in or out, my stomach turns. You don't want to even SEE me in the elevators on the way to and from work!

The most unexpected part of this, however, is problems online. It seems that just about every website has animated advertisements of some sort, with images sliding in and out of the screen, flashing lights, or cartoon characters jumping up and down. Or maybe it's just a clip from a new movie or of a television advertisement.

Whatever the specifics, with each flashing light or movement of a character's arms, my head reels and my stomach threatens to unburden itself of all its contents. It is SO INCREDIBLY INTENSE a wave of nausea that overwhelms me each time I'm exposed to one of these ads that I'm finding myself avoiding certain sites I used to check daily out of fear of losing my lunch.

On the (much) brighter side of things, Mom asked me today when we'll find out Baby's gender. I told her that, according to everything I've read, ultrasound can't really tell in most cases until about 14 weeks, and most people and doctors seem to recommend an ultrasound closer to 16-20 weeks in to determine gender. Mom told me that 20 weeks is much too late. I asked her why, and she said it's because she only has 90 days to return either all the pink or all the blue stuff that she's already bought! I find it so ridiculously cute that she's already going out and stocking up on baby sleepwear, bedding, etc... And I'm not even through the first trimester yet!

I can't help but smile at all this, knowing she's doing it because she already loves this baby. I mean, I know how much *I* love this baby and how excited *I* am to be having it, but it's really something else entirely to see that other people feel the same way.

I'm curious to see a) when Asher feels comfortable sharing the news with his family, and b) how they react. We're having dinner Friday night with his cousins, who are expecting a baby some time around New Year's, as well as his mother and grandmother, I believe, and I'm not entirely sure how well I'll be able to hide the news if my stomach isn't feeling cooperative... I'm worried enough about being green after the drive up there, but if they serve chicken, I'm sunk!


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