Still Fighting the Morning Sickness...
Throwing Up: NOT my favorite way to spend the day at work!
Nausea is a hateful thing.
I called Mom the other day and asked her if she had trouble with morning sickness with her pregnancies. She said only when she was pregnant with me. I guess this is her revenge, then. ;o)
I have to admit, though, that I'm not entirely unhappy about having morning sickness. On the days when my stomach is more steady, I start to worry about my hormone levels, the viability of this pregnancy, etc. On days where I throw up five times, I feel more confident that there are plenty of hormones surging through my veins.
Still, though, I can't seem to stop worrying about miscarriage. I try to tell myself that, by this time last pregnancy, I had already been spotting for a few weeks, and the mild nausea had all but disappeared (without ever actually becoming more than a minor discomfort). There hasn't been any sign of trouble this go-around, so I really feel like I should stop LOOKING for signs... But perhaps that's just what happens after you lose one. I tell ya, after I reach my second trimester and see a more developed baby on ultrasound, I will feel a MILLION times more confident. In the meantime, I'll just have to accept that I cannot know for certain what's going on inside the dark recesses of my uterus, and I can't possibly know for more than a month. (It's going to be a long month...)
At least I've finally let myself start reading the baby books and websites again, tracking development of the fetus through each week... And I think I'm going to break the news at work in our July newsletter, which prints next Monday. I'm terrified that announcing it will somehow jinx it, but with all the trips to the bathroom I'm making and as many people asking me if I'm ill as there are, I should probably ease some of their concerns. Plus, when I have to take off part of a day for an OB appt. here in the next week or two, no one will question why I'm going to the dr. so often. And, God forbid, if something goes wrong, at least I won't have to offer an explanation for needing time off... But we're not planning on that happening again. I'm keeping my guard up still, but like I said, there have been absolutely no signs of any trouble with this pregnancy, and I won't let negative thinking ruin the experience.
Nausea is a hateful thing.
I called Mom the other day and asked her if she had trouble with morning sickness with her pregnancies. She said only when she was pregnant with me. I guess this is her revenge, then. ;o)
I have to admit, though, that I'm not entirely unhappy about having morning sickness. On the days when my stomach is more steady, I start to worry about my hormone levels, the viability of this pregnancy, etc. On days where I throw up five times, I feel more confident that there are plenty of hormones surging through my veins.
Still, though, I can't seem to stop worrying about miscarriage. I try to tell myself that, by this time last pregnancy, I had already been spotting for a few weeks, and the mild nausea had all but disappeared (without ever actually becoming more than a minor discomfort). There hasn't been any sign of trouble this go-around, so I really feel like I should stop LOOKING for signs... But perhaps that's just what happens after you lose one. I tell ya, after I reach my second trimester and see a more developed baby on ultrasound, I will feel a MILLION times more confident. In the meantime, I'll just have to accept that I cannot know for certain what's going on inside the dark recesses of my uterus, and I can't possibly know for more than a month. (It's going to be a long month...)
At least I've finally let myself start reading the baby books and websites again, tracking development of the fetus through each week... And I think I'm going to break the news at work in our July newsletter, which prints next Monday. I'm terrified that announcing it will somehow jinx it, but with all the trips to the bathroom I'm making and as many people asking me if I'm ill as there are, I should probably ease some of their concerns. Plus, when I have to take off part of a day for an OB appt. here in the next week or two, no one will question why I'm going to the dr. so often. And, God forbid, if something goes wrong, at least I won't have to offer an explanation for needing time off... But we're not planning on that happening again. I'm keeping my guard up still, but like I said, there have been absolutely no signs of any trouble with this pregnancy, and I won't let negative thinking ruin the experience.
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