It Takes... Three?!?

We thought It Takes Two... But now it seems there's a third on the way! Chronicles of our unexpected and thrilling foray into the world of pregnancy and parenthood.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Symptoms, Ahoy!

This morning sickness is getting just a little out of hand.

Every morning, brushing my teeth proves more than I can handle. Every day around 10am, a huge wave of nausea hits full-force. Yesterday, I got sick at work. Had to run to the bathroom, where (of course!) one of my coworkers walked in on me just as I was finishing up, and then stood there washing her hands as I frantically brushed my teeth, trying to remove the awful bile taste from my mouth. Thankfully, I had remembered to pack the travel-size toothbrush & toothpaste in my purse a few days prior!

I figured I felt so sick yesterday because my stomach was empty when the nausea hit, so today, I brought some mild bready-type foods to keep my sugar levels steady and my stomach lined with something. It helped, but only in the amount/severity/violence of the 10am attack. I still had to go to the bathroom and get sick, and I'm still feeling like a child, unable to control my stomach.

Chicken, my favorite food in the world, is now strictly off-limits. It doesn't matter if it's grilled, fried, in a sandwich... Chicken, that lightest of meats, excellent source of protein and easy on the stomach, for some reason leaves me positively ill a few minutes after I eat it. So it's out. Along with chocolate chip cookies, it seems, as the very thought now makes my stomach turn (although I was happily chowing down on them just 3 or 4 days ago!).

At least my bras still fit (for now), and the tenderness there isn't unbearable, just uncomfortable.

...So THIS is what it feels like to be pregnant! Bleagh! I'll be happy when that second trimester rolls around, lemme tell ya!


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