Biting My Tongue
I can't believe how difficult it is for me not to tell Mom & Dad. I want to call them up and spill it all SO MUCH!! But I keep remembering that I've got 2.5 weeks to go before I can start to breathe more easily, and I don't want to tell them to expect another grandchild if there won't be one on the way. I keep remembering Mom's words when someone else near us lost her baby: It was really too soon for her to be telling anyone. That's why I wait. That's why I decided to keep my mouth shut until 12 weeks, or at least until the first exam where we hear Baby's heart! Besides, it just happened to work out perfectly that Asher and I will be going to visit on the very day I reach 12 weeks, and we can tell them then, when we're past the most dangerous phase of the game. :o)
My tummy feels ENORMOUS today! I'm aware that much of it is bloating and bowel distention rather than actual Baby mass... But I still get exciting knowing I'm resembling a pregnant woman these days. ;o) A week ago, I was worried that I was showing much too soon, but then I found this wonderful site, where I can compare my bump to that of other women who are at various stages of pregnancy, and I see a lot of women who are 8, 9, and 10 weeks pregnant whose tummies are about my size, or bigger! That was really comforting for me.

That's where we stand now. (I know, I know... I realize there's probably not a soul alive who can see the difference between that and the picture a few days ago, but *I* can see it! :o) ) I'm a little bigger at present, as I'm currently all bloated and HUGE, but that's what Baby and I looked like last night and this morning. I can't wait to see where we'll be next week! :o)
But AHHHHHHHH!! I just want to call my Mommy and tell her how excited I am!!!!!!!!!
My tummy feels ENORMOUS today! I'm aware that much of it is bloating and bowel distention rather than actual Baby mass... But I still get exciting knowing I'm resembling a pregnant woman these days. ;o) A week ago, I was worried that I was showing much too soon, but then I found this wonderful site, where I can compare my bump to that of other women who are at various stages of pregnancy, and I see a lot of women who are 8, 9, and 10 weeks pregnant whose tummies are about my size, or bigger! That was really comforting for me.

That's where we stand now. (I know, I know... I realize there's probably not a soul alive who can see the difference between that and the picture a few days ago, but *I* can see it! :o) ) I'm a little bigger at present, as I'm currently all bloated and HUGE, but that's what Baby and I looked like last night and this morning. I can't wait to see where we'll be next week! :o)
But AHHHHHHHH!! I just want to call my Mommy and tell her how excited I am!!!!!!!!!
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