It Takes... Three?!?

We thought It Takes Two... But now it seems there's a third on the way! Chronicles of our unexpected and thrilling foray into the world of pregnancy and parenthood.

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Joys of Pregnancy

So this weekend was a great big NauseaFest, as the morning sickness kicked in full force. Saturday, I no sooner finished my lunch than it made an encore appearance. The nausea was overwhelming and really didn't ease up at all until I was in bed last night. I keep finding myself in tears, trying to fight back the sick feelings and panicked, afraid I'm going to lose control of my stomach at any moment.

The hormonal effects on my emotions are a trip, too. Some of it, I'm sure, is simply a result of me feeling so lousy all day long (YOU try being in a good mood when your stomach is on strike!), and some of it is just good old-fashioned PMS-ish emotional chaos. Anyway, I'm hating the effect it's having on me at home and at work, and I hate that it's triggering arguments and creating tension in my otherwise happy marriage. I'm just holding my breath and hoping it passes soon...

Work. Work is going to give me a stroke. My manager's wife (who just happens to be the owner) is very pregnant with a high-risk pregnancy, and she's working very short hours right now. He is her primary means of transportation to and from work, and he's basically cut his hours back to match hers. Which wouldn't be a problem, except that any time someone is out sick or at the doctor or something, our schedule gets all thrown out of whack. I work 6 days a week, with Wednesday being my short day (4-7). This week, I'll work 12-7 on Wednesday, only 2 hours less than a regular work day. Meaning I'm going to be stressed and exhausted all week with no break again until Sunday. That's a little much for this pregnant girl! I also was really hoping I could get in on my first prenatal visit this week, and since I have to work early on Wednesday, it cut out the ONLY morning it would have been convenient for me to go. Meaning I'm going to have to take off work for a half day (or whole day, we'll see) for a visit some time next week. And my manager will throw a hissy fit, because while it's okay for him to tell us the day before they have a doctor's appointment that we need to reschedule all her appointments, it's not okay for his employees to EVER ask off work for a doctor's appointment. I don't know WHEN he expects us to schedule them, seeing as how most of us DO work 5 or 6 full days a week... But whatever.

Here I go, being moody again. But I'm seriously ticked at him today for a number of reasons, and I won't allow him to make me feel like my pregnancy is less important than his wife's, or like my medical needs are any less important, or like it's okay to talk to me like I'm an ignorant child and scold me for things I did that were perfectly within the scope of my duties and the "rules" while he turns around and single-handedly screws over the entire day's schedule on a regular basis... *SIGH* I want a new job. If it weren't for the financial situation this pregnancy lands us in, I'd have walked out this morning. I deserve far better than this.

Baby seems to be doing well. My body seems to be changing at exactly the right rate, and I'm experiencing all the symptoms pretty much by the book at this stage of the game. All websites and books seem to have me squarely in the beginning of Week 7 now. Baby has a heartbeat and is slightly less alien-like!! :o)


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