A Woman Obsessed!
I feel like the only thing I do now is think about Baby. I'm not complaining, mind you--it's just odd to me that two weeks ago, I could entertain myself for hours on end surfing around aimlessly online or watching television, and this week, the only sites that interest me are Babyzone.com, Babycenter.com, Americanpregnancy.org, Americanbaby.com... You get the point. ;o)
The morning sickness is really starting to set in today. I don't feel sick, per se... But all of a sudden, my eyes will start to water, my mouth starts salivating like crazy and tasting salty, and while I don't feel nauseous, I feel like I might vomit at any moment.
The food aversions are the worst part of it, though. Apparently Baby isn't particularly fond of chocolate. I keep informing Baby that Baby is simply TOO SMALL to have an opinion on the matter, but Baby disagrees. So while chocolate has always been one of my favorite comfort foods, the thought of it right now leaves me cold and, at times, slightly ill. This morning, I went to CVS to stock up on Propel flavored water and snacks to get me through the work day. I thought Nutri Grain bars with blueberry filling sounded like a healthy, appropriate, appetizing sort of breakfast... So I bought a box, ate one and LOVED every bite of it, and 20 minutes later, I was still hungry so I went for a second. I took two bites, and all of a sudden all I tasted was overwhelming BLUEBERRY, and I threw the rest of it away. I was so close to vomiting that I actually went and stood by the bathroom door so that, were I to lose it, I would have a much shorter walk to the toilet! It's been about an hour and a half, and I just made a second trip to CVS because I realized the two bottles of water I bought this morning were NOT going to last until lunch, and I know better than to try another blueberry Nutri Grain bar today... So I bought some saltine crackers to help with the nausea, and some Cheezums Pringles to satisfy my strange but overwhelming craving for powdered fake cheese flavor. Mmmmm.... Delicious!! :oD
I talked to Daddy on the phone the other day for a few minutes. Not long, just sorta catching up a bit... He asked how I was doing, and I said alright. After all, I was exhausted, I was on my way home after a longer-than-anticipated day at work, I was a little stressed and more than a little hungry... So "alright" seemed an appropriate response. He immediately came back with, "You sound HAPPY!" He seemed slightly surprised by this (perhaps because he's always been good at picking up my depressive episodes over the phone before, so this was quite a change for him), and I couldn't help but grin and say, "Yeah, I am!"
Mom and Dad don't know yet. I'm waiting until at LEAST after the first prenatal doctor's visit to tell, and probably another month (Week 10). I don't want to say anything too early, because I keep hearing my mom's voice ringing in my head when, four years ago, my sister-in-law had a miscarriage around 7 or 8 weeks, and Mom told me, "Well, it was really too early for her to be saying anything yet." I know the majority of miscarriages happen in the first 12 weeks, and I know that it's as many as 1 in 5 pregnancies that ends this way... So I just don't feel like pressing my luck and tempting fate. Instead, I'm just drinking a lot of fluids, taking my prenatal vitamins, avoiding all the foods that are dangerous to unborn babies, and trying to take the best care of myself and of Baby as is possible at this stage of the game. I'm praying a lot, too, that God will watch over Baby and help Baby to grow strong and healthy so Asher and I can give him/her all the love and attention he/she deserves in about 8 months. :o)
While the estimated due date (and, therefore, age of Baby) vary slightly from website to website (depending on how they calculate the length of menstrual cycle, etc.), all of them put me somewhere between the last day of Week 5 to squarely in the middle of Week 6, so I'm fairly comfortable accepting Week 6 as Baby's age. Which means Baby's heart is beating this week, and a multitude of incredible and amazing changes are taking place daily within Baby. I have a hard time limiting myself to reading what's happening this week, though, and not jumping ahead to see where Baby will be a few weeks from now. I'm trying to be good, though, so next week I'll have something new to look forward to reading. :o) I've signed up for a multitude of weekly email newsletters that should keep me posted, too. I can't wait to get the call from the OB/GYN to schedule my first appointment!!
The morning sickness is really starting to set in today. I don't feel sick, per se... But all of a sudden, my eyes will start to water, my mouth starts salivating like crazy and tasting salty, and while I don't feel nauseous, I feel like I might vomit at any moment.
The food aversions are the worst part of it, though. Apparently Baby isn't particularly fond of chocolate. I keep informing Baby that Baby is simply TOO SMALL to have an opinion on the matter, but Baby disagrees. So while chocolate has always been one of my favorite comfort foods, the thought of it right now leaves me cold and, at times, slightly ill. This morning, I went to CVS to stock up on Propel flavored water and snacks to get me through the work day. I thought Nutri Grain bars with blueberry filling sounded like a healthy, appropriate, appetizing sort of breakfast... So I bought a box, ate one and LOVED every bite of it, and 20 minutes later, I was still hungry so I went for a second. I took two bites, and all of a sudden all I tasted was overwhelming BLUEBERRY, and I threw the rest of it away. I was so close to vomiting that I actually went and stood by the bathroom door so that, were I to lose it, I would have a much shorter walk to the toilet! It's been about an hour and a half, and I just made a second trip to CVS because I realized the two bottles of water I bought this morning were NOT going to last until lunch, and I know better than to try another blueberry Nutri Grain bar today... So I bought some saltine crackers to help with the nausea, and some Cheezums Pringles to satisfy my strange but overwhelming craving for powdered fake cheese flavor. Mmmmm.... Delicious!! :oD
I talked to Daddy on the phone the other day for a few minutes. Not long, just sorta catching up a bit... He asked how I was doing, and I said alright. After all, I was exhausted, I was on my way home after a longer-than-anticipated day at work, I was a little stressed and more than a little hungry... So "alright" seemed an appropriate response. He immediately came back with, "You sound HAPPY!" He seemed slightly surprised by this (perhaps because he's always been good at picking up my depressive episodes over the phone before, so this was quite a change for him), and I couldn't help but grin and say, "Yeah, I am!"
Mom and Dad don't know yet. I'm waiting until at LEAST after the first prenatal doctor's visit to tell, and probably another month (Week 10). I don't want to say anything too early, because I keep hearing my mom's voice ringing in my head when, four years ago, my sister-in-law had a miscarriage around 7 or 8 weeks, and Mom told me, "Well, it was really too early for her to be saying anything yet." I know the majority of miscarriages happen in the first 12 weeks, and I know that it's as many as 1 in 5 pregnancies that ends this way... So I just don't feel like pressing my luck and tempting fate. Instead, I'm just drinking a lot of fluids, taking my prenatal vitamins, avoiding all the foods that are dangerous to unborn babies, and trying to take the best care of myself and of Baby as is possible at this stage of the game. I'm praying a lot, too, that God will watch over Baby and help Baby to grow strong and healthy so Asher and I can give him/her all the love and attention he/she deserves in about 8 months. :o)
While the estimated due date (and, therefore, age of Baby) vary slightly from website to website (depending on how they calculate the length of menstrual cycle, etc.), all of them put me somewhere between the last day of Week 5 to squarely in the middle of Week 6, so I'm fairly comfortable accepting Week 6 as Baby's age. Which means Baby's heart is beating this week, and a multitude of incredible and amazing changes are taking place daily within Baby. I have a hard time limiting myself to reading what's happening this week, though, and not jumping ahead to see where Baby will be a few weeks from now. I'm trying to be good, though, so next week I'll have something new to look forward to reading. :o) I've signed up for a multitude of weekly email newsletters that should keep me posted, too. I can't wait to get the call from the OB/GYN to schedule my first appointment!!
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